Where This Journey Begins For Jokers Hill Roastery…

Dried Beans
Beautiful Guatmalan Beans

 As coffee lovers, we all want the best coffee, but ask yourself, have you really had fresh coffee? Most coffee we consume comes from “brands” in which beans from many farmers, regions, and even countries, are all mixed together, roasted in the largest bulk quantities possible, and finally ground to fit the average coffee drinker’s home machine. For some popular coffee companies, it can take months, or even years before you brew up that “fresh” bag you bought at your local grocery store.

 So for those of you who want something better, there aren’t a lot of options unless you go to trendy “specialty” stores, which perhaps offer “single origin” or regionally sourced coffee. This doesn’t really change things all that much though, as the beans were still roasted, ground and packaged a long time before the bag found it’s way to your home. Modern coffee roasting methods often rely on “dark roasts” to hide the fact that you are really not buying fresh coffee.


REality of “Fresh” Coffee

 The reality is that unroasted coffee beans can stay fresh for a long time, but once they have been roasted, their freshness half-life can be measured in months. Peak freshness drops to weeks once the beans have been ground, so how can your coffee be fresh when it was processed months or years ago?


so Lets Ask Ourselves

Go ahead and ask yourself: what is the freshest coffee I have ever had?


Ok, so how is Jokers Hill Roastery any different from the rest?


Our pledge: We offer the best tasting coffee beans and deliver them to you at the peak of freshness.

 This pledge may seem simplistic, but it is our goal to work as closely as possible to the individual farmers and buy our products from coffee associations around the World that ensure what we offer is based on sustainable growing methodologies, is free of pesticides and harmful chemicals, and gives back to the farmers, their families, and their teams that put in the hard work each year. It takes a lot of effort to grow, process, transport, and prepare coffee, and we enjoy working with our partners each year to discover new and interesting things they have grown, and we hope this will change the way we all enjoy coffee.

Check our (semi) regular blogs as we look to introduce you to our growing team as well we will chat about the coffee business, and our operations. This is a learning journey for us, and hope we can all learn together.

 What we would really love though, is for you to get the best possible coffee. So look around the site, pick the type and amount of beans you want, pick the roasting you will enjoy the most, then choose to have the beans ground or not. For each option, we provide the profile of what these choices will taste like, and then indicate the optimal freshness options. Or choose the options you think you will enjoy the most, and we will offer the products which best suite your tastes. If you don’t see what you are looking for, well, reach out to us, and we’ll get you all sorted.

In the end, we are really looking to change your answer to the question we asked earlier, and hope that the freshest coffee you have ever had was a Jokers Hill Roastery blend.

